still about online learning, mathematics lessons are also still a choice to be displayed in this post, "National Exam" is an event that must be passed by every student in order to proceed to a higher level, this site provides online learning for math [...]
Home » Archives for Oktober 2010
Prediksi Soal Ujian Nasional Matematika 2010-2011 for SMP (Online Learning packet 10)
Diposting oleh Unknown on Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010
More about → Prediksi Soal Ujian Nasional Matematika 2010-2011 for SMP (Online Learning packet 10)
Prediksi Soal Ujian Nasional Matematika 2010-2011 for SMP (Online Learning packet 9)
Diposting oleh Unknown
online learning, or rather this blog website to provide online learning ranging from elementary school through high school lessons, students are expected to directly learn online at Web sites that are available, read about it directly, learn to solve [...]
Prediksi Soal Ujian Nasional Matematika 2010-2011 for SMP (Online Learning packet 8)
Diposting oleh Unknown
online learning, it is already fair and many do, the advantage of learning in addition to adding the media on the internet, also reduce the number of pages that harm, with online learning, students can directly learn online at Web sites that are available, [...]
Prediksi dan Latihan Soal UN Matematika SMP 2010-2011, Paket 7 (Junior School)
Diposting oleh Unknown
still same as the previous post, the subjects of mathematics is presented in this post, this time about who presented the mathematical package 7, you can learn to solve problems concerning1. division and multiplication of fractions.2. scale and sample [...]
Prakiraan Cuaca untuk Daerah Bogor
Diposting oleh Unknown on Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010
berikut ini adalah perkiraan cuaca untuk daerah BogorForecast for Bo [...]
Jadwal Sholat Untuk Wilayah Bogor
Diposting oleh Unknown
sila [...]
Diposting oleh Unknown
national exam is when deciding for junior high school students, and lessons of the most feared is the mathematics, in this post you can download the questions, practice problems on mathematics for the national exam, you can learn about the wake, space, [...]
Pendidikan Berkarakter
Diposting oleh Unknown on Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010
Indonesia memerlukan sumberdaya manusia dalam jumlah dan mutu yang memadai sebagai pendukung utama dalam pembangunan. Untuk memenuhi sumberdaya manusia tersebut, pendidikan memiliki peran yang sangat penting.Hal ini sesuai dengan UU No 20 Tahun 2003 [...]
Sepuluh Dasar Kemampuan Guru
Diposting oleh Unknown
Waktu menunjukan pukul 14.00 WIB, sudah saatnya anak-anak pulang kebetulan Hujan terus mengguyur kawasan pendidikan Nida El-Adabi. Seperti biasanya aku dan temanku meluangkan waktu untuk berolah raga, Tenis Meja adalah salah satu olah raga kesuakaan [...]
Soal UTs Ganjil
Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 25 Oktober 2010
Soal Matematika Ulangan Tengah Semester Ganjil Sekolah Dasar Islam Nida El_Adabi Tahun Ajaran 2010-2011. Merupakan soal latihan matematik kelas 2 sd untuk uts ganjil, sebagai gambaran berkut ini saya cuplikan sebagian soalnya : 1. Nama bilangan [...]
Kumpulan soal latihan,
semester 1,
soal ulangan
Susunan Tenaga Edukasi Sdinda
Diposting oleh Unknown
Diposting oleh Unknown
Islam memandang bahwa pendidikan sebagai hal fundamental dalam membentuk peradaban masyarakat. sebab pendidikan merupakan proses penanaman nilai-nilai kehidupan yang sangat berharga dalam diri manusia. Untuk melahirkan generasi yang berkualitas dibutuhkan [...]
profil sdinda
Prediksi Soal Ujian Nasional Matematika 2010-2011 for SMP (Online Learning packet 6)
Diposting oleh Unknown on Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010
The next prediction is a package of 6, in this post document predictions about the National Exam SMP, can be downloaded directly, or can be read directly, online teaching and learning on this blog includes the matter of mathematics consists of various [...]
Prediksi Soal Ujian Nasional Matematika 2010-2011 for SMP (Online Learning packet 5)
Diposting oleh Unknown
The next prediction is about mathematics to junior high school, this time predictions for the package 5, in this post there is embed a flash object that contains documents about, so it can directly be read before downloaded free of charge, the concept [...]
Prediksi Soal Ujian Nasional Matematika 2010-2011 for SMP (Online Learning packet 4)
Diposting oleh Unknown
precisely this website or a blog dedicated to online learning about the different types of knowledge, especially online teaching and learning both basic (elementary, junior high school) to advanced (high school), about the following is a predictor for [...]
Prediksi Soal Ujian Nasional Matematika 2010-2011 for SMP (Junior Math Exam Prediction)
Diposting oleh Unknown
still same with the previous prediction, prediction given is still relevant to good use in 2010 and 2011, this time the prediction is made specifically for package 3, consists of 40 questions, created by a teacher named Dra. Suyatmi, predictions about [...]
Prediksi soal dan pembahasan Mathematics UN 2010-2011 SMP, Mathematics for Junior
Diposting oleh Unknown
math for junior high school consists of various types of problems, especially for the national exam, there are several questions that often come out to diujiakan, so that by looking at the matter from year to year we can predict problems that will arise.The [...]
Nilai UTS KElas 2
Diposting oleh Unknown
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Diposting oleh Unknown on Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010